
Tag: Perimenopause

Café de la ménopause

For November’s Menopause Café, we discuss Bone Health and the prevention of Osteoporosis with Dr Laila Kaikavoosi and Naturopath, Vera...

Fiche d'information

Le guide de suivi de l'OMC vous explique tout ce que vous devez savoir une fois que l'on vous a prescrit un traitement hormonal substitutif, y compris comment commander...

Étude de cas

When retired nurse Liz Bewick started with menopausal symptoms, she sought help from her GP but got 'brushed off'

Café de la ménopause

For Sept’s Menopause Café, we discuss Aftercare and everything you need to know once you’ve had a consultation with an...

Étude de cas

When Schoolteacher Joanne Lindsey started having ‘brain fog’, low energy, bone aches, she worried there was something seriously wrong with...

Café de la ménopause

July’s Menopause Café with Dr Claire Macaulay focused on Sex & The Menopause, the common questions asked and how to...


Le premier rapport annuel sur la ménopause 2021 de l'OMC examine l'état de santé de la périménopause et de la ménopause au Royaume-Uni et la sensibilisation au traitement...

Café de la ménopause

May’s Menopause Café focuses on the hot topic of exercising during the menopause with Alex Reid, Strength & Conditioning Expert.

Étude de cas

“It wasn’t just me who benefited from the treatment I received from OMC but my family, as they had born...