Naturopathy Pricing
Pricing for OMC Naturopathy Programmes
The Online Menopause Centre (OMC) offers patients personalised and affordable video consultation programmes with Dr Vera Martins, an experienced Naturopath in women's health.
A Naturopathy questionnaire should be completed and returned to us before your first consultation. Please, be aware that without the completed questionnaire we will not be able to proceed with the consultation.
Book on a ProgrammeOur 3 Naturopathy Programmes

The Stress Management Programme - 12 week programme - £540 (or 3 payments of £180 per month)
Designed for anyone who is experiencing symptoms such as: Lower Resilience, A sense of “not feeling like myself”, Anxiety, Irritability or Mood Swings, Brain fog and/or Poor Concentration, Poor sleep, Fatigue, Digestive issues, Difficulty losing weight and Low libido.

The Sleep Support Programme - 12 week programme - £540 (or 3 payments of £180 per month)
Designed for anyone who is experiencing symptoms such as Difficulty falling asleep and/or waking up during the night,Waking up feeling tired, Fatigue, Brain fog, Irritability or Mood Swings, Food Cravings, Difficulty Losing Weight.

The Gut Health & Weight Management Programme - 12 week programme - £540 (or 3 payments of £180 per month)
Designed for anyone who is experiencing symptoms such as Feeling of fullness and discomfort after eating a meal, Bloating, Heartburn or reflux, Constipation , Diarrhoea or loose stools, Difficulty losing weight, Food cravings, Fatigue, Brain fog and low mood and Skin issues (e.g. dry skin, eczema).
The programmes can be booked online through the links above. If you would like to pay in monthly installments of £180 please contact us on 020 8126 3440 and we will be happy to process your booking and payment over the phone.
Book on a Programme