Procédure de plainte de la MOC

Procédure de réclamation du centre de ménopause en ligne (OMC)

Informations pour les patients

The Online Menopause Centre is committed to providing a high-quality online independent healthcare service. It is recognised that there may be occasions when patients may wish to complain about some aspect of the service. If you feel you wish to discuss an issue, or indeed make a complaint, we kindly ask that you bring this to the attention of a member of staff as soon as possible. This complaints procedure ensures that your complaint will be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Plaintes verbales

If you wish to speak to someone about an aspect of the Online Menopause Centre healthcare service, please speak to a member of staff as soon as possible, preferably during, or after, your online consultation, and we will attempt to resolve your concerns as soon as possible.

Plaintes écrites

Stage 1

If you are not fully satisfied, you can put your concerns in writing.

Toutes les plaintes écrites doivent être adressées à la directrice du cabinet, Mary Mohun, et envoyées par courrier électronique à l'adresse suivante : Veuillez décrire le plus complètement possible la nature de votre plainte en précisant :

  • ce qui vous rend malheureux
  • la date de l'incident, et
  • le personnel présent à ce moment-là.

Nous accuserons réception de votre plainte par écrit dans un délai de trois jours ouvrables. Une enquête complète sera menée et nous vous contacterons pour discuter et résoudre le(s) problème(s). Vous recevrez une réponse écrite complète dans les 20 jours ouvrables suivant la réception de la plainte. Si une réponse complète ne peut être donnée dans les 20 jours ouvrables, nous vous écrirons pour vous expliquer la raison de ce retard. Vous recevrez une réponse écrite complète dans les 5 jours suivant la conclusion de l'affaire.

Soyez assuré que le Centre de ménopause en ligne (OMC) prend toutes les plaintes très au sérieux et qu'après enquête, il envisagera d'apporter des modifications au service offert aux patients.

Stage 2

If you remain dissatisfied following the final Stage 1 response, then you can request a review of your complaint by writing to:

Complaints Manager
Independent Doctors Federation
Lettsom House
11 Chandos Street
London W1G 9EB
Tel: 020 3696 4080

Escalation to Stage 2 must be made in writing within six months of the final Stage 1 response.

The IDF Complaint Resolution Procedure will consider your complaint. The IDF Complaint Manager will send you an acknowledgement of your letter within three working days of receipt of your complaint and will request a summary of the matters that remain outstanding that you wish to be investigated.
You will be invited to attend a meeting at the start of Stage 2 in order to clarify the matters that remain outstanding and obtain a greater understanding of what you hope to achieve by escalating the complaint. The IDF Complaint Manager will not have been involved in the matters that led to the complaint or the handling of the complaint at Stage 1.

You will be asked to consent to release of records from the doctor. The IDF Complaint Manager will undertake a review of the documentation, any correspondence, and the handling of and response to the complaint at Stage 1.  If the review is still in progress after 20 days a letter will be sent to you explaining the delay and a full response made within five days of reaching a conclusion. In any event a holding letter will be sent every 20 days where a review is continuing. The IDF Complaint Manager will write to you when the review is completed to either confirm the outcome at Stage 1 or to offer an alternative resolution.

At this time the IDF will advise you of your right to take the matter further to Stage 3 Independent External Adjudication by the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISACS).

Throughout the process all information, documents, and records relevant to your complaint will be treated in the strictest confidence and no information will be divulged to any parties who are not involved in the IDF Complaint Resolution Procedure, unless required to do so by law.

Stage 3

This stage is only available to you if you remain dissatisfied once Stage 1 and Stage 2 are exhausted and aims to bring about a final resolution of the complaint to both parties.

In such a situation you should request the adjudication by writing to the Secretariat:

Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS)

CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution), 3rd Floor
100 St. Paul’s Churchyard
Tel: 020 7536 6091

This written request for adjudication must be made within six months of the final determination by the IDF at Stage 2. You should provide reasons to explain the dissatisfaction with the outcome of Stage 2.  ISCAS will acknowledge receipt of the request within three working days.

ISCAS will seek confirmation from the IDF that Stage 2 has been completed.

ISCAS will notify the IDF of a request for Stage 3 independent external adjudication. The IDF will respond to requests from ISCAS within ten working days and confirm whether Stages 1 and 2 have been completed.  ISCAS will then be your main contact once adjudication is started. You will be asked to consent to the release of records from the doctor and the IDF relevant to the complaint. ISCAS will issue the decision within 20 working days or provide a progress update every 20 working days if the decision is delayed. A report will be made to you, the doctor concerned and the IDF.

Additional information for patients about ISCAS can be found at:

Additional information for patients about the IDF can be found at: