Tag: Health
Gestörter Schlaf betrifft 84 % der Frauen in der (Peri-)Menopause. Welche Maßnahmen können Sie ergreifen, um Ihren Schlaf zu...
Before (peri)menopause, women have a lower risk of being affected by coronary heart disease. But after menopause, their risk increases.
Case Study
After being disappointed with her GP experience, mum-of-three Debbie Baughan decided to seek specialist help for her menopausal symptoms.
Fact sheet
OMC's Research in Autumn 2022 revealed that millions of men are unaware of the menopause and the impact symptoms have...
OMC's second Annual Menopause Report 2022 looks at the state of UK perimenopause and menopause health and menopause in the...
Case Study
When 51 -year-old Emma Pugh had an early menopause at 39-years-old, she knew that osteoporosis was a very real concern
Case Study
Barbara Martin thought she would be able to manage her menopausal symptoms with lifestyle and homeopathic remedies. But when they...
Case Study
After being successfully treated for cancer and wanting to re-start her HRT, Jill's GP refused and tried to prescribed anti-depressants
In der Presse
The Express Online's article featuring Dr Laila Kaikavoosi from OMC on Mon 10th Jan included tips and advice on menopause...