OMC Menopause Cafe July 2024 – Exercise & (Peri)menopause

OMC Menopause Cafe – Removing the Fear from Exercise during (Peri)menopause – July 2024

We all know that we should be exercising on a regular basis during (peri)menopause, but there are many obstacles that get in the way. These include time, work, family but also our fear of getting started and a lack of confidence in knowing what we should be doing, for how long and how frequently.

With recent research evidencing that even 10-minute exercise ‘snacks’ can have a positive impact on our physical and mental health & wellbeing, it is important that we create time and routines to help facilitate this benefit.

This Menopause Cafe with Strength & Conditioning Coach, Alex Reid, will help you overcome the fear relating to exercise and include a 10-minute Deskercise session, which is an inclusive desk-based exercise programme.

Topics covered in July’s Cafe:

  • The physical and mental health benefits of regular exercise during (peri)menopause
  • Overcoming the daily challenges that get in your way of exercise
  • Getting started with exercise with 10-min ‘snacks’
  • Creating healthy time and introducing Deskercise to your day
  • Building positive exercise habits and gain practical tips