The Menopause Hub

is the place to stay up to date and informed with all the latest news and developments related to menopause. With regular posts and updates, you can build your knowledge, read case studies and receive lifestyle information.

دراسة حالة

كان القلق والاكتئاب والخمول وعدم الاهتمام العام بالحياة كلها أعراض عانى منها كيم جاكوب للكثيرين ...

مقهى انقطاع الطمث

For November’s Menopause Café, we discuss Bone Health and the prevention of Osteoporosis with Dr Laila Kaikavoosi and Naturopath, Vera...

مقهى انقطاع الطمث

For World Menopause Day on 18th Oct, we have partnered with Sue Yen from Triple Goddess Yoga for a 15-min...


World Menopause Day (Mon 18th Oct) gives us with an opportunity to talk about Bone Health, Osteoporosis and how physical...


As we celebrate World Menopause Day and Bone Health on the 18th Oct, there are several ways to support your...

صحيفة وقائع

OMC's Aftercare Guide tells you everything you need to know once you’ve been prescribed HRT medication including how to order...


Frequent practice of Yoga during menopause can have a positive impact on your sex life and help manage the physical...

دراسة حالة

عندما بدأت الممرضة المتقاعدة ليز بيويك بأعراض انقطاع الطمث ، طلبت المساعدة من طبيبها العام لكنها "تجاهلت"

مقهى انقطاع الطمث

For Sept’s Menopause Café, we discuss Aftercare and everything you need to know once you’ve had a consultation with an...