The Menopause Hub

is the place to stay up to date and informed with all the latest news and developments related to menopause. With regular posts and updates, you can build your knowledge, read case studies and receive lifestyle information.

مقهى انقطاع الطمث

OMC's Menopause Cafe on Fri 28th June with Dr Kaikavoosi covered the links between Menopause, hormones, Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease...


OMC's second Annual Menopause Report 2022 looks at the state of UK perimenopause and menopause health and menopause in the...


Dr Laila Kaikavoosi looks at the role our hormones can play in the incidence of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease (AD)...


In the final blog in our series on Weight Management, we take a closer look at the role that hunger...

دراسة حالة

عندما كانت إيما بوغ البالغة من العمر 51 عاما تعاني من انقطاع الطمث المبكر في سن 39 عاما ، كانت تعلم أن هشاشة العظام كانت مصدر قلق حقيقي للغاية


In the second in our series of blogs on Weight Management, Dr Laila Kaikavoosi and Dr Vera Martins look at...

مقهى انقطاع الطمث

April’s OMC Menopause Cafe was hosted by Dr Laila Kaikavoosi who discussed Weight Management during menopause and perimenopause

دراسة حالة

اعتقدت باربرا مارتن أنها ستكون قادرة على إدارة أعراض انقطاع الطمث من خلال نمط الحياة والعلاجات المثلية. ولكن عندما ...


In the first of a series of blogs on Weight Management, Dr Laila Kaikavoosi looks at the role that fluctuating...