Menopause in the Workplace – Supporting Colleagues Webinar – July 2024

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Menopause in the Workplace – Supporting Colleagues – July 2024

July’s OMC Members’ Webinar on Thursday 25th July was hosted by OMC’s Founder and Clinical Lead, Dr Laila Kaikavoosi. In this session, Laila covered both the physical and psychological symptoms that can impact work and how we can best support our teams and colleagues.

While many of us are familiar with common menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats, symptoms like anxiety, low mood, poor concentration, and brain fog are less well-known and can severely impact our health and performance at work.


In July’s Members’ Webinar we covered:

  • Overview of the Physical & Psychological (Peri)menopause symptoms
  • Understanding how these symptoms can impact our work on a daily basis
  • The importance of the role of Menopause Mentors in the workplace
  • How to start the conversation about Menopause health at work
  • Supporting Colleagues and pathways for additional help and guidance