Menopause And Body Odour – Causes And Treatments

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Dealing with menopause can be a confusing journey for many women, with the range of hormonal changes affecting their bodies in different ways. One of the unexpected changes that can occur is increased body odour. 

With the decrease in oestrogen levels, your body might undergo a boost in sebum production and a reduction in sweat production, leading to this change. Not all women experience this symptom, and it can occur at any stage—before, during, or after menopause. 

However, understanding the reasons behind these changes in body odour during this crucial phase can help deal with any discomfort and concern.

How is Body Odour Connected to Menopause?

Body odour changes are affected by the drop of oestrogen levels that happens during the menopausal period. It is often paired up with hot flushes and night sweats as these symptoms cause excessive sweating for women. 

The severity of these vasomotor symptoms, like hot flushes and night sweats, has a direct relationship with body odour. Simply put, the more intense these symptoms become, the more sweat your body produces. This excess sweat fuels the bacteria on your skin, which in turn generates the unpleasant odour.

A study from the Wynn Institute for Metabolic Research in London found that menopause itself can lead to changes in the composition of our sweat, specifically affecting lipids and lipoproteins from apocrine sweat glands.

It’s not just due to ageing; these changes are directly linked to menopause and play a key role in how our body odour is produced. Essentially, when the sweat from these glands is broken down by bacteria on our skin, that’s when we get the distinctive smell of body odour.