Why I founded Online Menopause Centre (OMC)
by Dr Laila Kaikavoosi
I am delighted to announce the launch of the Online Menopause Centre (OMC), the UK’s first online menopause clinic.
This is an incredibly proud moment in my career and I wanted to provide you with a little insight into why I decided to form the business.
Firstly, it’s important to understand that the Menopause is not a disease process but a universal physiological change that every woman will go through. Some women have an easier ride through the years leading to and beyond the menopause yet some struggle tremendously. This is why ‘one size fits all’ treatment is far from perfect.
Im Leben geht es um Entscheidungen, und ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass jede Frau das Gleichgewicht und die Gesundheit, die sie sucht und verdient, erreichen kann, wenn sie sich informiert und weiterbildet. Jede Frau hat es verdient, dass ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse von einem Experten erfüllt werden, und keine Frau sollte diesen Weg allein und uninformiert gehen.
I have always been passionate about this and it was at the heart of my decision to create The Online Menopause Centre (OMC). I have always enjoyed physically seeing my patients, but I realised I could make individualised and up to date hormone replacement therapy more accessible, affordable and convenient to women by offering personalised consultations online.