Online PCOS Specialist
What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?
Although the exact cause of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is unknown, it usually runs in families. PCOS is considered a metabolic condition and it is related to abnormal hormone levels including high insulin levels.
Women with PCOS are resistant to the actions of insulin and so produce a lot more insulin. There is higher production of testosterone and as they don’t ovulate regularly they are usually low in progesterone levels.
Symptoms of PCOS
A woman who has symptoms of PCOS can have one or a number of the following:
Polycystic Ovaries
As ovaries contain many fluid filled sacks (cysts) they enlarge.
Excess Androgens (testosterone)
This can result in excessive hair growth or Hirsutism, this can be on the face or body. Oily skin or acne. Thinning hair or hair loss from scalp. Weight gain.
Irregular or no menstrual cycles
This is due to ovaries not releasing eggs regularly which could result in fertility difficulties.