
Tag: Stress

مقهى انقطاع الطمث

For Sept’s Menopause Café, we discuss Aftercare and everything you need to know once you’ve had a consultation with an...


In our featured blog for Mental Health Awareness Week, Shirley Billson, Menopause Anxiety Coach tackles the difficult subject of mental...

مقهى انقطاع الطمث

April’s OMC Café with Dr Laila Kaikavoosi & Shirley Bilson looked into the stress, anxiety and their links to our...


Some foods contain nutrients which can reduce stress levels.


Anything that gets your mind away from the source of stress like spending time with friends and family, hugging and...


Stress is not always bad. It has helped our ancestors survive dangerous and fatal situations in the past!


In order to reach optimal hormonal health and balance there are multiple important factors which we need to pay attention...

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