دراسة حالة: ديبي بوغان ، قادتني خيبة الأمل من خدمة GP الخاصة بي إلى OMC
Age: 54
Occupation: Travel Consultant
After being disappointed with her GP experience, mum-of-three Debbie Baughan decided to seek specialist help for her menopausal symptoms.
Debbie, who lives in Bedfordshire, only realised that she may be menopausal after speaking to friends, as, due to a partial hysterectomy several years ago, she did not experience the symptom of missed periods.
Explained Debbie: “I had a partial hysterectomy in my early 40s so I didn’t have periods and was not alerted to the menopause by my periods becoming irregular or stopping. But I was just not feeling right in myself. I felt like I had a cloud hanging over me, I started putting on weight but wasn’t eating more or exercising less and I just felt lethargic and irritable. But the worst thing was my sleep – I got night flushes and then night sweats and wasn’t sleeping. It was like a vicious circle as the lack of sleep would make me more tired and irritable. I just completely lost confidence.
“It was only when I was speaking to friends and they were all saying how long the gaps were between periods that I suddenly realised that maybe I could be menopausal.
I was underwhelmed with the response from my GP
“I went to see my GP and to say the experience was underwhelming would be an understatement. They did no proper tests and just said ‘yes, you’re of that age’ and gave me some HRT patches. I got no advice or information so I decided to do my own research.
“It was whilst doing research on the internet that I came across OMC and after reading their website I just really liked their approach – it seemed a lot more rounded and personal.”
I finally felt listened to once I spoke to Online Menopause Centre (OMC)
It was about two years ago that Debbie first saw a doctor from OMC and the transformation has been significant. She also appreciated the thorough and holistic approach to menopausal care that she was given.
“At my first consultation Dr Laila was lovely and just talked to me properly – she asked exactly how I was feeling and listened to everything I said. I never felt rushed like when I saw my GP. One of the things women don’t really talk about is the lack of sexual desire that happens with the menopause but the doctor was just so easy to talk to about it and wanted to know how I was feeling.
Blood testing showed I was low in a few key hormones
“She said that we needed to do blood tests to get a full picture before she could start me on treatment. I had full blood tests and felt reassured that the doctor was taking her time, rather than just rushing to prescribe something. The blood results showed I was significantly low in quite a few key hormones which was a relief as it explained why I felt the way I did. I was actually post-menopausal which was a surprise. One of the hormones I was low in was testosterone and Dr Laila explained that this could be one of the reasons my sex drive was affected.”
Debbie was prescribed body identical HRT as well as a bespoke vaginal preparation and after a few tweaks to her prescription, she said the change was remarkable.
How Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has really made a difference
“My life changed completely and I felt like the person I was before. It was only once I got treatment that I realised how bad my symptoms had been. My family noticed the difference too – before I started hormone replacement therapy I would get quite depressed because I was always being snappy with them and I just couldn’t be bothered to go to family gatherings. After seeing the specialist at OMC it was like the cuddly, huggy wife and mum had returned.”
Debbie now advises other women to seek specialist help from doctors who take the care and time to diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.
“My only regret is that I didn’t go to OMC sooner and I’d recommend all women to go and see them if they are struggling. You just feel from the off-set they have your medical wellbeing at the heart of everything. They remind you of things like making sure you have had a smear and mammogram, even though that’s not what they’re seeing you about. It feels very holistic. And it’s not just the doctors who are so professional – the girls on the phones are brilliant – they’re so helpful and make sure any query I have is dealt with quickly.
“And it’s so convenient – because of my job I may need to speak to clients at any time of the day. With OMC all the appointments are online so you don’t need to travel to a clinic to see the doctor.”
Find out how Online Menopause Centre (OMC) can help you with your symptoms by booking an Initial consultation with one of our expert doctors.